Kingston Park Governors

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Easter Edition

Its been another busy term at KPPS for Governors. Some detail of our role can be found here. As well as the usual activities such as Policy and Resourcing, Curriculum and Full Governing Body meetings each half term there have been a number of additional activities we have all been involved in. We have attended a number of assemblies to support our allocated year groups and Rev Mills has regularly participated. Governors are linked individually to a class within the school, visits and communication with teachers and the class assist us to remain in contact with the school and its population. We have attended parents evenings, both as parents and Governors to be available for discussion. A group of governors has been involved in monitoring, we are required to look at different subject areas and this term we have looked at Science. A series of workshops were designed and delivered across most year groups. We obtained feedback from parents who attended, pupils and staff to gain insight into how the science curriculum is delivered and viewed by stakeholders. Governors have also attended training to keep up to date with the ever changing and improving safeguarding strategies from both central government and the local authority. This has also included details of the PREVENT strategy that is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism. One of our Governors is particularly talented at statistical analysis of achievement monitoring and spends quite some time working with Senior Leadership Team (SLT) drilling down into anonymous individual pupil performance data and to demonstrate sustained progress to ensure each pupil is achieving their maximum potential and in readiness for OFSTED. The SLT, teaching & support staff and Governors remain at a continued state of readiness for inspection by OFSTED, who can call to inspect at very short notice.

KPPS has been rewarded in a number of ways recently. We have been placed in the top 2% nationally in the Top Schools Guide 2017 and number 3 locally which is a tremendous achievement.

The school has also been awarded as a North of England representative in the The Parliamentary Review  for Primary Education which demonstrates how sector leaders have responded to challenges in the political and economic environment as a school considered to demonstrate best practice.

We have also received the NACE Challenge award as only the 3rd school North of Tyne and one of 391 nationally to achieve the award. The NACE Challenge Award is a nationally recognised quality mark given to schools that have developed good provision for more able and talented learners. It has a reputation for being one of the most purposeful, rigorous yet supportive awards that schools can achieve.

There is much to be proud of and we would like to thank the staff and pupils for their continuing efforts to make  Kingston Park the outstanding school it is and the parents for their support and contribution. Have a happy Easter.

The Governing Body